Two of the five HOA Board of Directors seats will be up for election in 2021. Participation on the Board is an opportunity for you to make a personal contribution to your neighborhood and an investment in Legacy Park’s future.
If you are excited about volunteerism and becoming more involved in your community…
If you have ideas for improving your community……
If you are interested in the quality of life at Legacy Park…..
If you are willing to lend your expertise to help your community with budgetary and maintenance decisions………
You should run for a Board position. This is your opportunity to make a difference and get involved in the decisions that affect this awesome community that we live in.
Qualifications for prospective Board members: Interest, Talent, Time and a Desire to serve the residents of Legacy Park on its governing board. Board members must be able to attend a minimum of 2 monthly meetings and participate in LP activities and special meetings. The only compensation that a member of the Board receives is the gratitude of the community for undertaking this task.
We hope you will take the time to carefully consider representing your neighborhood on the Board next year. If you or someone you know would be a good candidate, talk to him/her about becoming a candidate. You may nominate yourself or someone else who has agreed to be a candidate by emailing the Property Manager at propertymanager@legacypark.org.
You will be asked to initially submit a biography including a brief statement of your reasons for seeking election to the Board and a summary of specific qualifications that would make you well suited for the position.
A list of candidates along with their biographies and photos will be in the December Town Herald. Below are the initial deadlines established so that we may meet the time constraints required for publishing. The voting results will be announced at our February 2021 Annual Meeting.
Deadlines for candidates for the 2021 Board of Directors Election:
• Board nominations due to HOA office midnight on November 2nd
• Candidate biographies and current headshot pictures are due to the HOA office by midnight on November 16th