Click on each event for information about all events in Legacy Park.
Story Time (Second Tuesday of each month.)
Active Adult Night (55+ events)
LP Ladies Bunco Night (Third Wednesday of each month)
Valentine’s Family Dance (February 4)
Bunny Breakfast (April 1)
Eggstravaganza (April 1)
Garage Sale (2)
Family Campout (2)
End of School Youth Pool Party
Teen Event – More details to come!
Movie Nights (3)
Spirit of America (July 4)
Fall Festival / Pumpkinfest (October 14)
Chili Cook-Off (October 21)
Happy Halloween (October 31) PhotoBOOth & Trick or Treating
Veteran’s Day Lunch (November 10)
Visit with Santa (November 18)
Christmas Tree Lighting (December 1)
Ladies’ Night In (December 7)
Breakfast with Santa (December 9)
Neighborhood Sleigh Ride (December 14)