Mission: To Enjoy the Game, While Promoting Positive Attitudes and Fitness.
Field Leader Order: Jeff M, Scott T, Pierre J, Daniel S, RJ P, Ken K, if none of these are present then the board will appoint the Field Leader.
Contact: Please contact Scott Thiewes at scottthiewes@comcast.net for any questions related to Adult Soccer.
This is an informal soccer league that plays pick-up games.
Club Rules and Information
- The Annual Season begins in September. However, we accept players all during the season.
- All players must be at least 18 years old to play. Younger players are allowed only if: The parent is a registered player in good standing and the child is at least 16 years of age. The board will make a final decision if the child can play. This player is considered a guest player and falls under the rules of a guest player. If the board approves the player can become a registered player.
- All players must register online and accept applicable waivers, and rules and pay all appropriate fees. If the online is not available a check is made to Legacy Park Adult Soccer with the appropriate signed forms and waivers.
- This is not a city or county-funded league. It is a CLOSED CLUB. The Legacy Park Adult Soccer Board (Board) will determine the proper and/or desired growth rate for players and determine when/if sponsored guests may register.
- In order to participate in either Pickup or Tournament play, players MUST BE:
- Legacy Park Residents are guaranteed the right to use the Town Green, but residency does not automatically allow play in the Legacy Park Adult Soccer League (LPAS) without payment in full and the appropriate paperwork approved by the Leg Board.
- If/when playing cards are issued to paid members, Players must have their Legacy Park Adult Player Card with them any time they are playing.
- Saturday play occurs between 8:00-10:00 am it can be adjusted during the Legacy Park Youth Soccer season or due to weather. It might be moved to a completely different venue.
- Weekday (normally Tues/Thurs) NON-Daylight Savings Time play takes place from 6:30-10:00 pm. This is based on field availability.
- • Weekday (normally Tues/Thurs) Daylight Savings Time begins no earlier than 5 pm and will not be allowed when there are less than 60 minutes of daylight.
- Play will be canceled during:
- Community Events Legacy Park is hosting an event on Town Green (ex.4th of July, etc.).
- Poor Weather Heavy rain, thundering, lightning, tornado, etc.) or fields are too wet from previous rain.
- Maintenance Legacy Park is performing occasional ground repairs.
- When play is canceled the Board will attempt to find a suitable non-Legacy Park venue for those dates.
- Players that arrive late on any of the days above will first be substitutes if teams are even in number or to capacity. Ideal capacity 9v9 with 3 subs, if more than 3 subs then 10v10 if more the 3 subs, then a second game is started and the current game must give up 3 players from each color. This should create 2 games of at least 7v7.
- Please note the Field Leader will make the final decision.
- DO NOT just walk onto the field of play unless the field leader directs you to do so. You should count the number of players on the field to determine the color needed to join. If they are even, then you should wait until another player arrives to join evenly. Your wait will not exceed 10 minutes. Please arrive before the scheduled start time.
- Legacy Park Residents $40 (pay over $700 a year in HOA fees which in part pay for the upkeep of the Town Green).
- Non-Residents $100
- Guests $10.00 (per guest)
- Guests – $5 (per guest)
- Players PAID IN FULL are allowed to bring a guest during play and must pay the guest fee BEFORE their guest(s) can play. Guests are not allowed to participate in Member Only League Play. This can be whatever the Board deems as Member Only League Play.
- All Fees are NON-REFUNDABLE, NON-NEGOTIABLE, NON-PRORATED, and apply when joining at ANY TIME during the season. These fees allow all paid members to participate in both Legacy Park Play (Saturdays only) and Pickup games (including weekdays) The membership will allow for playing at other venues at no cost when the board agrees that there are finances available. If a fee is required, the board will attempt to keep these fees as low as possible. These fees apply to designated park access and will not be apportioned for limited playing time on any given day due to weather, community activities, etc.
New Players
- New Players must fill out the forms, accept the waivers, rules of play, and membership paid in full. Upon Board approval, they can participate.
- Jerseys will be available to members on a first-come basis. The current will be for 2 seasons.
- There is no guarantee that jerseys will be ordered for any given season. If the LPAS budget allows, a one-time-only jersey order will be placed in September for October delivery. Quantities will be estimated on the number of paid-in-full players and the estimated number of new players that might join the program throughout the season. Jerseys are first-come, first-serve, with no guarantee of availability, or size, for players joining LPAS after September 14, 2024.
- All players bring their Legacy Park Jersey when possible, otherwise, bring one light and one dark jersey when playing anytime and anywhere with LP Adult Soccer.
Residents: Click here to register!
Non-residents: Click here to register!
- Tournaments may occur as much as twice during the Annual Season, in both Fall/Winter and in Spring/Summer.
- Specific Rules will be provided to all players via e-mail prior to any Tournament. Teams will be selected from the Active Membership Roster at that time. Players may volunteer to be a coach for any of the teams selected.
- As in the Player Conduct below, excessive arguing, foul language, or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Captains will ask offending players to discontinue their behavior immediately. If the player continues this behavior, the Captain will issue a Yellow Card. The player must leave the field for 5 minutes and the team must play a player down.
- If a player refuses to leave or receives a second yellow card in the game, he is issued a Red Card and must leave the field for the remainder of the game. Two Red Cards in one season will result in dismissal from the Legacy Park Adult Soccer League for the remainder of the season, including Pickup play.
Player Conduct
- Acts of slide tackling or tackling from behind, cheap shots, intentional elbowing or any unsportsmanlike act will not be tolerated. Any player may be ejected from the game if there is an unsportsmanlike penalty.
- Any player instigating or encouraging a fight will be immediately removed from the game and from the next scheduled week of play. Further disciplinary action may be taken (including expulsion from the league) at the Board’s discretion.
- Profanity is not permitted and may result in an unsportsmanlike penalty. Anyone using profanity, verbally abusing a player, spectator, and/or referee, or acting in an immature manner: 1) will be told to leave the playing area immediately; 2) may be asked to leave the Legacy Park community; and/or 3) may be subject to more extensive disciplinary action, including league expulsion, as may be determined by the Board.
- The Soccer Board will decide if further disciplinary action is necessary for any serious issues mentioned above.
- Attempts to make and enforce one’s own impromptu rules without Board Approval will result in dismissal from the league.
- When a player calls a foul, it is a foul. No discussion is needed so play can be restarted.
- Leaving the field of play to retrieve a ball behind the goal: You need to reestablish yourself by announcing that you are back on the pitch and stepping in front of the defending team’s farthest-back player, not the goalie.
- On all the above, the appointed field leader has the final say. NO DISCUSSION. NO ARGUMENTS. You could be asked to leave the pitch.
- Each player deserves respect if you cannot show respect this club is not for you.
Jeff Moran, Board Member & Resident
Scott Thiewes, Board Member & Resident
Pierre Joseph, Board Member & Resident
RJ Patel, Board Member & Non-Resident
Daniel Silva, Board Member & Non-Resident
Ken Kisiel, Board Member & Non-Resident