Amenity Policy
Use of any and all amenities and LP property or Common Area shall be at your own risk. Improper use of any amenity, equipment, LP property, or Common Area is prohibited.
Each owner and authorized occupant (“Resident or Residents”) of a Legacy Park (“LP”) household, in good standing with the Legacy Park Community Association, Inc. is required to have an LP-issued photo-identification card (“LP ID”). LP IDs are available from the HOA and are issued to any Resident 12 years of age and older. LP IDs are the property of the HOA and must be shown when requested by authorized personnel as detailed and defined below.
The HOA Staff, Board of Directors, Lifeguards, Security Personnel, and Kennesaw City Police officers (“Authorized Personnel”) have the authority to enforce the rules and regulations of LP. These people may ask people to show their LP ID, to vacate LP property and amenities if unable to produce a valid LP ID, or if a person(s) is in violation of the rules and regulations of LP. Identification cards will be given to all Authorized Personnel, except City Police Officers, and will be displayed accordingly.
Please note that any misuse of the amenities or breaking of rules may result in the suspension of amenity privileges. Please also note that LP IDs should only be used by the person to whom that LP ID belongs. No Resident shall allow another person to borrow or use his or her LP ID for any reason. No person may steal or improperly use an LP ID. Residents must promptly report the misplacement or loss of an LP ID to the HOA.
Guest Policy Generally
The Common Area and amenities are for the enjoyment of residents and their accompanied guests only. Unless prior written approval is obtained from the HOA, residents over the age of 18 are allowed to have up to two (2) guests when using the Trails, Town Green, Playgrounds, Amphitheater, Bandstand, Outdoor Fitness Center, Baseball Field, Swimming Pools, Tennis Courts, Volleyball Court, and Basketball Court. Unaccompanied individuals between the ages of 12 and 18 are allowed one (1) guest while on LP property and when using the amenities, except as otherwise provided herein. No guests are permitted in the indoor Fitness Center. Neither the Amphitheater nor the Bandstand shall be used as sports fields without prior written approval from the HOA. Guests are considered to be non-LP residents. LP residents who have had their privileges revoked cannot come as a guest of another resident.
Residents must accompany guests while on the LP properties or while using any of the amenities. Long-term guests (persons visiting for more than two weeks) may obtain a guest pass from the HOA office. As a reminder, residents are responsible for ensuring that their guests are informed of the rules of LP and that these guests follow the rules at all times. The LP HOA reserves the right to suspend privileges, or prosecute an individual, Resident, or guest, for destruction, abuse, or misuse of property, and assess the costs and expenses of any damage to LP property to the Resident responsible.