Three of the five HOA Board of Directors seats will be up for election in 2022. Do you have what it takes to be a good board member? Chances are you do. If you have a mix of some of the following traits and skills, consider running for a seat on the board. We’d love to have you.
Dedicated. You must have a passion for volunteer work since the job is essentially that. Board members don’t receive pay, so all the time and effort you will put into the association should come from a place of genuine care for the community.
Respect. If you can give others respect and expect it in return, you can help keep board discussions civil, productive, and on point.
Good listening. People want to be heard. Can you listen to board members and residents with sincere interest? You may have a few ideas of your own, but everyone benefits by sharing and discussing.
Thick skin. Sometimes, residents, even other board members, can be hostile and insulting. You will encounter disputes and problems within your board or community. There will also be times when you need to make tough decisions that some homeowners might not agree with. Are you good at turning a conversation around and finding out what’s really bothering people?
Egos aside. If you can give others credit, the board will operate better as a team.
Flexibility. Times are changing and technology is evolving, so you must keep an open mind if you want the best for your community.
Skill. The Association is a business. So having board members with accounting, business, legal, organizational behavior, communication, design, building, and teambuilding backgrounds can help.
The ideal board comprises a mix of management styles, professional skills, and temperaments. Board members must be able to attend a minimum of 2 monthly meetings and participate in LP activities and special meetings. You don’t have to know everything when you join, but you should be familiar with the governing documents and the responsibilities of the job.
Leaders can come from different places and backgrounds. There is no one mode that fits all. Share your knowledge and passion with the community. If you know people with some of these traits or relevant skills, ask them if they’d be interested in joining the board. Some people don’t think about running for a seat unless asked.
We hope you will take the time to carefully consider volunteering on the Board next year. You may nominate yourself or someone else who has agreed to be a candidate by emailing the Property Manager at propertymanager@legacypark.org.
What is needed from you? A biography including a brief statement of your reasons for seeking election to the Board and a summary of specific qualifications that would make you well suited for the position.
A list of candidates along with their biographies and photos will be in the December Town Herald. Below are the initial deadlines established so that we may meet the time constraints required for printing the newsletter. The voting results will be announced at our February 2022 Annual Meeting.
Deadlines for candidates for the 2022 Board of Directors Election:
- Board nominations due to HOA office midnight on November 4th
- Candidate biographies and current headshot pictures are due to the HOA office by midnight on November 11th
Look for up-to-date information at www.legacypark.org and in the upcoming issues of the Town Herald.