Covid-19 has made this year difficult for residents. The Landscape Committee would like to see some cheer brought back to the neighborhood. In addition to the Yard of the Month competition, the committee would like to start an annual Fall/Halloween house decoration competition. On October 23rd, the Landscape Committee will judge the best decorated house in each of Legacy Park’s 13 neighborhoods. The Landscape committee will announce the winners October 24th by Facebook and Email. If you would like to enter the competition (or nominate a resident), please email the landscape committee by: October 22nd at Rules•Must be Fall or Halloween themed• Decorated byRead More →

Two of the five HOA Board of Directors seats will be up for election in 2021. Participation on the Board is an opportunity for you to make a personal contribution to your neighborhood and an investment in Legacy Park’s future. If you are excited about volunteerism and becoming more involved in your community… If you have ideas for improving your community…… If you are interested in the quality of life at Legacy Park….. If you are willing to lend your expertise to help your community with budgetary and maintenance decisions……… You should run for a Board position. This is your opportunity to make a differenceRead More →

Thank you to everyone who participated in the newsletter survey sent on September 10th. Look for a new survey to be email on October 2nd about future Legacy Park amenities. We look forward to reading what is important to our residents!Read More →

Hello Legacy Park Residents! The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 22 in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Click here for the Agenda. While all residents are invited to attend, we understand that between COVID-19 concerns and other commitments, you may not be able to join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response. Please click here to send your question to the HOA Office andRead More →

It’s been a trying time this past month as the Legacy Park Community has dealt with death, illness and other family issues.  We know that so many in our community are hurting.   In this difficult time, there are limited opportunities to show our support. Despite the heaviness, we are craving unity and trying to find a way to display that.  We invite the Legacy Park Families to join in on a walk this Saturday, 9/19 at 6PM.  Residents can walk the circle, their streets or the trails. Take this time to pray or send positive thoughts to those in need, whatever you and your family are comfortable with. PleaseRead More →

Happy Garage Sale weekend, neighbors! Just a few reminders to make Friday & Saturday great: Please don’t tape signs to the light poles. This removes the paint when you take them off. Place them in the ground. Please drive slowly and cautiously. There will be parking issues. It’s garage sale weekend. Please be patient and know it all ends on Saturday. Happy selling! (Click Read More below to see the list)Read More →

Friday, September 18 @ 6:30 pm Bring your family down to the Bandstand for an evening under the stars camping! We will provide smores and firewood for the fun. A porta potty will be conveniently located nearby as well. In order to adhere to all guidelines related to Covid, we are limiting this event to 50 participants. Please include your family number (including yourself) when you sign up. Registration will close when 50 participants are registered. CLICK ON “READ MORE” TO ACCESS THE SIGNUP LINK. Click here to register.Read More →

Exclusively for 13 – 16 Year Olds!August 15th @ The Amphitheater6 pm to 8 pm We need teens to register for the event or we will have to cancel. In order to host a safe and socially distant event, participants will be spaced 6 feet apart and each teen will need to bring his/her own chair or blanket, pen, paper and drink. Click on the link below to sign up.Put the participant’s name in the comment section to get registered! More →

For the past eight months, Legacy Park has been utilizing Buildium (an online Property Management Software). The software has multiple features which we feel will help us serve you better. The feature that we want to highlight in this article is the ability to view your owner ledger at any time. Many residents that have set up their accounts have taken advantage of making payments towards their 2021 homeowner’s dues so that they will not have the full amount to pay in January 2021. By setting up your account, you will be able to enter your bank information and make an electronic payment with noRead More →

The Board opened the Basketball Court on July 24th. Reservations can be made for 2-hour time blocks, Monday – Friday starting at 7:00 am. The court will close at 9:00 pm. Click here to reserve time on the Basketball Court and download the app.Read More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting tonight in the Clubhouse at 7:00 pm. Click here for the Agenda. While all residents are invited to attend, we understand that between COVID-19 concerns and other commitments, you may not be able to join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session this evening. You will receive an email tomorrow with their response.Please click here  to send your question to the HOA Office and it will be provided to the Board of Directors.Read More →

Hello Legacy Park Residents! We are happy to announce that the Board has voted to open the Basketball Court on Friday, July 24. To use the Basketball Court, you will need to make a reservation. We are utilizing the same software we use for the Tennis Courts. If you do not already have access to the reservation system, you will need to email Candace Cole at with your name and address. She will then provide you access information to register for a time to reserve the court. Reservations can be made for 2-hour time blocks, Monday – Friday starting at 7:00 am. The courtRead More →