The next monthly meeting of the Legacy Park Board of Directors will take place on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse. A link to the meeting agenda is below as well as a link to view the meeting online. During this meeting, the Board will approve the 2025 budget, set the 2025 assessment amount, and discuss increases in other income line items. Next week, you will receive your 2025 invoice, the 2025 budget, and a copy of the approved modifications to the Rules and Regulations, along with other adopted policies. Please remember that your 2025 assessments are due by January 31,Read More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors’ next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse. This meeting has been rescheduled from September 24, 2024. Below is the Agenda. All residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may be unable to join us. Therefore, the Board encourages you to send any questions you may have in advance, which will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. Following the meeting, you will receive an email with their response. Please email to send your question to the HOA Office. Your question willRead More →

The upcoming monthly meeting of the Legacy Park Board of Directors is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse. The meeting agenda is available through the link provided below, which also includes an option to view the meeting online. All residents are welcome to attend, but we understand that scheduling conflicts may arise. If you cannot attend, please submit any questions in advance. These questions will be addressed during the Open Forum segment of the meeting, and you will receive a response via email afterward. Send your inquiries to the HOA Office at, and they will be forwarded to the Board ofRead More →

The upcoming monthly meeting of the Legacy Park Board of Directors is scheduled for Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse. The meeting agenda is available through the link provided below, which also includes an option to view the meeting online. All residents are welcome to attend, but we understand that scheduling conflicts may arise. If you cannot attend, please submit any questions in advance. These questions will be addressed during the Open Forum segment of the meeting, and you will receive a response via email afterward. Send your inquiries to the HOA Office at, and they will be forwarded toRead More →

The upcoming monthly meeting of the Legacy Park Board of Directors is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse. You can access the meeting agenda via the link provided below, along with an option to view the meeting online. While all residents are welcome to attend, we recognize that scheduling conflicts may arise. In such cases, the Board encourages you to submit any questions you may have in advance. These questions will be addressed during the Open Forum segment of the meeting, and you will receive a response via email afterward. Please send your inquiries to the HOA Office at, and restRead More →

The upcoming monthly meeting of the Legacy Park Board of Directors is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse. You can access the meeting agenda via the link provided below, along with an option to view the meeting online. While all residents are welcome to attend, we recognize that scheduling conflicts may arise. In such cases, the Board encourages you to submit any questions you may have in advance. These questions will be addressed during the Open Forum segment of the meeting, and you will receive a response via email afterward. Please send your inquiries to the HOA Office atRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors’ next monthly meeting is on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below is a link to the meeting agenda and a link to view the meeting online. All residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions you may have, which will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response. Please send your question to the HOA Office at Your questionRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors’ next monthly meeting is on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Attached is the meeting agenda and below is a link to view the meeting online. All residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions you may have, which will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response. Please send your question to the HOA Office at Your question willRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors’ next monthly meeting is on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Attached is the meeting agenda and below is a link to view the meeting online. At this meeting, the 2024 Budget will be approved, as well as the assessment amount set for 2024. All residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions you may have, which will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email followingRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. Below is the meeting agenda and link to view the meeting online. Residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have, and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response. Click here to send your question to the HOA Office. Your question willRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. Below is the meeting agenda and link to view the meeting online. Residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have, and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response. Click here to send your question to the HOA Office. Your question willRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below is the meeting agenda and link to view the meeting online. Residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have, and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response. Click here to send your question to the HOA Office. Your question willRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 28 in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below is the meeting agenda and link to view the meeting online. Residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have, and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response. Click here to send your question to the HOA Office. Your question will be provided to the BoardRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 25, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below is the meeting agenda and link to view the meeting online. Residents are invited to attend; however, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have, and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting with their response.Click here or reply to this email to send your question to the HOA Office. Your question will beRead More →

Click here for information about the upcoming Board Meeting. The regular monthly Board meeting is held in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. If you cannot attend, please join us virtually: You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting Title: September Board MeetingTime: Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 6:30:00 PM EDT Join on your computer or mobile appClick here to join the meetingRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 24, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below is the meeting agenda and link to view the meeting online. Join us and hear updates about projects happing in your HOA. While all residents are invited to attend, we understand that you may have other commitments and may not be able to join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have, and they will be addressed during the Open Forum session of the meeting. You will receive an email following the meeting withRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors has canceled their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, June 22. The renovations in the Clubhouse started Monday, June 21 and we are pleased to say the progress for day 1 was very productive. However, this leaves us without a clean and safe meeting room for our residents. Together with the lack of meeting space and the light agenda for the Board, the Board decided to cancel for Tuesday.Read More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 28, 2021, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below you will find the meeting agenda and a link to view the meeting online. If you cannot join us during the meeting, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have and they will be addressed during the Open Forum. Please click here to send your question to the HOA Office and it will be provided to the Board of Directors. You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting April 28th @ 6:30 pm Join onRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 23, 2021, in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below are the meeting agenda and link to view the meeting online. If you cannot join us during the meeting, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have and they will be addressed during the Open Forum. Please click here to send your question to the HOA Office and it will be provided to the Board of Directors. You’re invited to join a Microsoft Teams meeting March 23rd @ 6:30 pm Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to joinRead More →

The Legacy Park Board of Directors will be holding their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 17 in the Clubhouse at 6:30 pm. Below is the meeting agenda and a link to view the meeting online. The 2021 budget will be discussed and approved at this meeting and you will receive your copy and your invoice for the 2021 assessments the week of November 30th. While all residents are invited to attend, we understand that between COVID-19 concerns and other commitments, you may not be able to join us. Therefore, the Board has requested that you send any questions that you may have and they will beRead More →