Happy Garage Sale weekend, neighbors! Just a few reminders to make today and tomorrow great: Please don’t tape signs to the light poles. This removes the paint when you take them off. Place them in the ground. Please drive slowly and cautiously. There will be parking issues. It’s garage sale weekend. Please be patient and know it all ends tomorrow. Happy selling!Read More →

Legacy Park resident,6 time All American sprinter and former NFL wide receiver, Corey Bridges of C4 Performance is excited to offer a Speed and Agility Fall Break clinic for your kids right here in Legacy Park! C4 Performance’s goal is to help children and teens improve overall sports performance and fitness in a fun and safe atmosphere. This camp will focus on body control, coordination, recognition and reaction, acceleration and deceleration, footwork, change of direction, stopping, jumping and landing using various fun, age appropriate drills and games.  If you want to keep your kids off their devices during Fall break and keep them active, signRead More →

Soccer and Tee-Ball Regular Registration July 22-August 4th (please note any special requests)Late Registration August 5th-August 12th ($10 late fee, no special requests) First Game:Soccer September 14thTee-Ball September 15th New this fall, U16 Travel Soccer for both girls and boys.Read More →

It’s hard to believe that May 17th marked 15 years of dedicated service to the Legacy Park HOA and community for our beloved Joanne. Time sure does fly by when we’re having fun and when Joanne is around, everybody has fun! Though she takes her job very seriously, for those of us lucky enough to work alongside her, she provides plenty of much needed comic relief on the regular. It’s like having our own resident standup comedian right in the office. And yet, you’d be hard-pressed to find anybody who cares more about the community and the people of Legacy Park than Joanne. When sheRead More →

A Few Notes… The Rides and Inflatables area opens at 5:00 pm and will close at 9:00 pm, sharp. Due to the fireworks, this area must be cleared in anticipation of the show. The area behind the stage is restricted. Please travel around the front of the stage to reach the bathrooms on the opposite side. Please remember that the ONLY entrance to our celebration is near the Palisades portal. NO entrance from any other area is allowed. Please take a minute to visit our sponsors.Read More →

ADMISSION TO THE TOWN GREEN BEGINS AT 5 PM COST: This event is FREE to residents. You MUST have your Legacy Park ID for admission. Residents’ guests are welcome to attend. Guest tickets are $5.00 for adults and children 2 and up and must be purchased while accompanied by a Legacy Park resident. ENTRY: Please ENTER our Spirit of America Celebration via the Palisades Portal. This path can also be reached from the trail leading from the main pool parking lot. Entry to the Town Green will NOT be allowed at Lullwater or the baseball field per the Cobb County Fire Marshall rules and regulationsRead More →

The office has received multiple calls about door to door sales recently. The first question to ask anyone that is soliciting at your home is to show their City of Kennesaw permit. Ask to see both front and back. The back will have a signature from Kennesaw Police. If there is no signature, it’s not a valid permit. Also, please know that City of Kennesaw permits supersede the “No Solicitation” sign out front. If in doubt, please call the non emergency number for KPD at  (770) 422-2505 to have the record checked. If there is no permit with KPD, they can send an officer out,Read More →

This summer we’re excited to have our Sports Coordinator, Tennis Pros, and Basketball Coach team up for a week of fun! Join us June 3rd-June 6th where your child with rotate through Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Tennis, and Soccer, ending with an Olympics Challenge the final camp day. Campers will need: Water Bottle (with name on it)SunscreenHatTennis shoesTowelInhaler (if needed)Epi pen (if needed).  June 3rd-6th at the Tennis Pavilion 6-14 Years Old 9:00-3:00 $200 For any questions, please email Morgan at ActivitiesDirector@legacypark.orgRead More →

What: Legacy Park Youth Summer Tennis League Who: ages 8-14 When: Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 on June 18, June 25, July 2, July 9 Cost: $10.00 per child Deadline to register is June 14. All youth ages 8-14 who enjoy tennis and know how to keep score are welcome to join the youth summer tennis league. We will play a fast-paced and fun, round-robin each week.  It will be a completely mixed league of various abilities, and intended to a fun gathering. No partners are needed. Come join your friends on the courts!Read More →

The smaller pool next to the clubhouse, below the main pool area is the Quiet Pool. The reason for the name is simple: this pool is for Quiet activities. Unfortunately, the pool usually is not always quiet. It is very important that we all remember that the Quiet Pool is not a place for kids to run and play. It is not a place for loud music, splashing, or throwing footballs. Please be respectful of your neighbors who want to enjoy some quiet, down time.  There are NO lifeguards at this pool, and according to Legacy Park’s rules, only residents over the age of 16 or those withRead More →

The following days for the Legacy Park Shark’s swim team practice: 4:30 – 7:00 May 7, 9, 14, 16 & 21 8:00 – 11:00 am May 21-June 28: Monday – FridayPlease be advised that these are closed practices.   The Main Pool will close at 4:00 pm for swim meets on the following days: May 30, June 13 and June 27.The Main Pool will close for the Youth Pool Party at 5:00 pm on May 23 & July 30.Remember…….during these times, the other 3 Legacy Park pools will be open as usual. Check the calendar if in doubt!Read More →

All Legacy Park residents over the age of 12 must carry their Legacy Park picture ID with them while on Legacy Park property. If you do not have your ID, you will be asked to leave the Legacy Park common areas and amenities. Residents under 12 MUST be accompanied by an adult with ID ANYWHERE on property mehr.  Do NOT punch a hole in your card. Guest Policy: Residents over 18: Pool, Basketball Court, Tennis Courts: 2 guests Town Green, Baseball Field, Amphitheater: 4 guests Residents 16 to 17: 1 guest anywhere on property. Residents 12-15: 1 guest anywhere on property Reminder: There are NORead More →

AFTER SPRING BREAK DEAL!!! Claim your seat early for the biggest 4th of July party in our area! Food trucks, kids play area with bounce houses and carnival rides, sponsor area with give aways and raffles, and the 293 Band! SPIRIT OF AMERICA – 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION TABLES $100 STARTING 4/5 – ENDS 4/12Read More →

Board Meeting Tonight 7:00 PM at the ClubhouseGet an update on:The financial status of the communityThe status of the 2019 projects and other on-going itemsMeet the HOA staff and Board Members AGENDA Call to Order & Introduction of 2019 Officers – Karl Phillips Approval of Meeting Minutes – David Bailey a. March 7, 2019 – Organizational Meeting b. March 7, 2019 – Planning Sessionc. March 7, 2019 – Executive Session Treasurer Report – David Kirklanda. January & February Financial Updatesb. January & February Capital Expenditure Approvalc. January & February Adjustment Report Property Management Updatea. Management Reportb. Covenant Enforcement Reportc. Activities & Sport Report Committee Reportsa. Boy ScoutsRead More →

2019 BSI Garden Gala Big Shanty Intermediate would like to invite all past, current, and future Big Shanty Eagles to our 3rd annual Garden Gala. This event will take place at Big Shanty on Thursday, May 2nd from 6:00-8:00 PM. Come check out the wonderful things the students have done this school year and help us celebrate our 50th anniversary! Alumni, that part is for you! We hope you can join us for a spectacular evening filled with fun, festivities, friends, and food trucks!Read More →

Legacy Park Landscape Committee If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, the HOA needs you! The HOA is working to create a brand new Landscaping Committee: If this sounds fun and meaningful to you, ask a neighbor to join with you and please fill out the form below.Read More →

The Welcome Committee loves our new home owners! They’re sometimes the first people a new home owner meets, as they strive to say hello within the first few days someone moves in. The Welcome Committee would love volunteers to help with: Neighborhood Representatives to meet new neighbors when they move in Delivery of new homeowner gifts Involvement in the New Neighbor Socials that take place quarterly If this interests you, please fill out the form below.Read More →

The Finance Committee helps with the annual budget process. Analyzes the budget proposed by the Property Manager Makes recommendations based on budget requests from LP groups and residents Provides a report to the Board of Directors If this interests you, please fill out the form below.Read More →

The Elections Committee helps oversee our neighborhood Board of Directors election each year. The committee oversees the following: Facilitates a Candidate Forum where candidates answer questions that are submitted by residents and the committee Reports the election results at the Annual Meeting in February If this interests you, please fill out the form below.Read More →

The Sports Director is actively seeking a representative from each of the following Legacy Park Sports: Soccer Disc Golf Kickball T-Ball Each of these sports, especially soccer, needs a tribe of support to function at their best. Possible volunteer opportunities are listed below: Soccer Game Day Director – oversee game day operations, ex. signs, cones, nets, flags, and scoreboard. First Aid Volunteer- be willing to trained in First Aid, including AED device and CPR. Field Maintenance – lining fields, reporting any field issues to Sports Director Disc Golf Liaison that reports course conditions or issues that arise during play and any requests for maintenance KickballRead More →

The Activities Committee works alongside the Activities Director to: Help with event coordination, including the set up and take down of some LP events Provide feedback about past and future events Help steer future events based on feedback from residents Help Activities Director provide a fun atmosphere for LP events, residents, and guests If any of this interests you, please fill out the form below!Read More →

Legacy Park needs you! Click on the links below to read about the committees to see which one interests you, then enter your information below, and you’ll be contacted by the Committee Chair! Activities Committee Information Elections Committee Information Finance Committee Information Landscape Committee Information Sports Committee Information Welcome Committee InformationRead More →

It’s almost time for our Legacy Park Sharks to rise up out of the cold waters! We need All The Swimmers! Encourage, trick, or bribe your friends to join the Sharks Summer Swim Team. Summer Swim practices begin late May. Swim meets are one week night, every week, during the month of June.  The season wraps up before July 4 (specific dates to be announced). Swim Team Requirements: 1) At least 5 years old (as of Sept 1) 2) No older than 18 3) Must be able to swim, unassisted, the length of the pool (don’t worry about type of stroke or technicality… just getRead More →

We had a total of 288 property owners vote …. only 18.6% of eligible voters. Our new Board Members are:David Bailey & Lisa Campbell HarperThey join David Kirkland, Karl Phillips and Mike Sesan on the 2019 Board of Directors. The group can be contacted at: boardmembers@legacypark.org Please give us your ideas on increasing the number of voters for our next election.Read More →

Thank you to everyone who came out last night to our meeting, it was a packed room. We received some great infromation from Mayor Easterling, Chief Westberger and Representative Ed Setzler. We had most of the City Council Members here as well! If anyone has question for these leaders, please reach out to them. They all are very passionate about Kennesaw and happy to answer any questions you may have for them. They all stayed long after the meeting talking to residents. The HOA provided finanical, activities and management updates. And one lucky homeowner in Highcroft got her 2019 dues refunded! Congratulations to Barbara Lennon!Read More →

On behalf of two students from Kennesaw Mountain High School, a new recycling program has started up in Legacy Park. Residents can bring their glass to 3 drop off locations in Legacy Park:  the clubhouse (near the half circle, main pool bathrooms), tennis courts at the pavillion, and the Lullwater Pool. Look for the blue containers labeled “Glass Only”. Glass bottles and jars are the only items that will be allowed. Please also remove the lids from the containers. Items such as light bulbs will not be accepted. Given you cannot throw your glass into your recycling bins at home, these collection bins will provideRead More →

All HOA Board candidates had the opportunity to submit information about themselves and the opportunity to submit answers to four standard questions asked by the Elections Committee for publication to the community. Candidates are responsible for their own statements and answers. The information provided by the candidates has not been edited (other than formatted to fit the space) nor verified for its accuracy by the HOA. Lisa Campbell Harper – Kentmere WHAT MOTIVATED YOU TO RUN FOR THE LEGACY PARK HOA BOARD? I am interested in serving the Legacy Park HOA with my neighbors, to enhance our shared community values including landscaping, social connections, communityRead More →

All HOA Board candidates had the opportunity to submit information about themselves and the opportunity to submit answers to four standard questions asked by the Elections Committee for publication to the community. Candidates are responsible for their own statements and answers. The information provided by the candidates has not been edited (other than formatted to fit the space) nor verified for its accuracy by the HOA. David Bailey – Lullwater WHAT MOTIVATED YOU TO RUN FOR THE LEGACY PARK HOA BOARD? My wife and I moved into Legacy Park in March of 2014 and have really enjoyed getting to know our neighbors and experiencing muchRead More →

All 2019 HOA Board candidates are responsible for providing their own statements and answers to the five standard questions asked by the Elections Committee.  Please note that the information provided by the candidates has not been edited (other than formatted to fit the space) or verified for its accuracy by the HOA. Michael Altman – Annandale For the past 11 years, my wife Cheryl and I have thoroughly enjoyed living in our wonderful Legacy Park home. We appreciate and are passionate about this active, friendly and beautiful Legacy Park community. God, family and country are our ethical and moral compasses. Personally, I was honored withRead More →

2019 Board Member Election Details We will be utilizing the same election process for 2019 as we have in the past six years. The election will not be held at the 2019 Annual Meeting.  Instead, homeowners will have the convenience of voting either directly by mail-in ballot or electronically during an open voting period from February 4, 2019 to February 22, 2019.  The Election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting.   Votes must be recieved by 4:00 pm on February 22, 2019. The HOA has hired Vote-Now.com to manage the election process.  Each property in Legacy Park will receive their voting package from Vote-NowRead More →

2019 Annual Homeowners Meeting Tuesday, February 26 at 7:00 pm Legacy Park Clubhouse, 4201 Legacy Park Circle All homeowners are invited and encouraged to attend Legacy Park’s 2019 Annual Homeowners’ Association Meeting on Tuesday, February 26 at 7:00 pm at the Legacy Park Clubhouse. During this meeting we will recap 2015 and review what is ahead for 2019. Homeowners will NOT be casting votes for the HOA Board of Directors during the Annual Meeting. All votes will be cast prior to the Annual Meeting, via web site or postal mail, according to instructions that will be mailed to each property owner on January 31. TheRead More →

Join us in welcoming Morgan Johnson to the HOA Staff. She is our new Activities Director who sill also be serving as the Sports Coordinator in 2019. A huge thank you goes out to Sara Jane Gallo who left large shoes to fill as the Sports Coordinator. Please feel free to stop by the HOA office and meet Morgan. She grew up right here in Legacy Park and brings a new prospective to our office and events. We look forward to a great 2019 for our community.  Click here for the list of upcoming activities.Read More →